Kafka drinks Coffee

Kafka drinks Coffee

July 8, 2018 with Guest Lecturer Peter Bolland

"The Meaning of Our Existence"

Sunday, July 8, 4-6pm

in Pan's Garden (map)

 506 21st Street, San Diego, CA 92102

We will explore the worlds of literature, philosophy and ancient wisdom inspired by our Guest Lecturer, Peter Bolland

Peter Bolland
writer, speaker, spiritual teacher, singer - songwriter, 
philosophy professor at Southwestern College and 
beloved instructor at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at SDSU.

"There are innumerable hiding places and only one salvation, but the possibilities of salvation are as numerous as the hiding places." Franz Kafka

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live, if you are looking for the meaning of life" Albert Camus

Our last "CwK" event was an investigation into the message of Hope in Kafka's writings and the meaning of life in Camus' "The Stranger". The ultimate message of Hope as a leap of Faith, the idea of transcendence into God, and the presence of the Divine in Kafka's novel "The Castle" are the themes for our ongoing discussions.

Our Guest Lecturer's talk about the spiritual connection with the Eastern Philosophical tradition will add richness and depth to our understanding of what life is all about and prepare us for the reading and interpretation of Kafka's novel "The Castle" which we plan to discuss later this Summer.

Our resident actor Byron LaDue will read selected passages from Kafka, French existential thinkers, and Eastern sages.

To reserve a place, please e-mail: Elizabeth (at) coffeewithkafka.com


Refreshments will be provided, pictures will be taken, smiles will abound.

Welcome back to “Coffee with Kafka” 
San Diego Summer Event!

Suggested donations: $10
(Proceeds to Kafka Project are tax deductible).
Home baked refreshments, coffee, tea and wine will be offered.