Kafka drinks Coffee

Kafka drinks Coffee

April 29, 2018

Coffee with Camus

Yesterday's gathering was fun!
Rosalie said it best, but I want to add my voice:  thank you for an interesting, thought-provoking, and (in spite of the weather) downright cozy afternoon. It was so gratifying to see how many people attended, and how involved everyone got! 
Loving energy,
I read the book, not sure whether I liked it… not really…
However, it was really good. I consider myself a very spiritual individual, however, I often wonder about the futility, absurdity of life...and I actually found that I related very well with Mr. Meursault.
The Stranger has had an impact on me....
I found his epiphany moving at the end....hence this email..
I always felt it is good to ponder life, I often do, as difficult as this makes my life…. At this stage in my life, it is You, the people in my life that make it worthwhile...
It was a hard read..it was a good book. Camus is deserving of his Nobel Prize.
Thank you, for the lovely Sunday afternoon at Pan.s garden 

Sunday, April 29, 4 - 6pm 

 Pan's Garden (map) 

506 21st Street, San Diego, CA 92124


"What's Camus Got To Do With It?"

We will explore the parallels and differences in the writings of French writer Albert Camus and Franz Kafka. The discussion will focus on Camus' 20's century classics "The Stranger" and explore how it connects and illuminates Kafka's novel "The Trial".

First published in 1942 in Nazi-occupied France, "The Stranger" is a brilliantly told story of controlled despair, centered on a trial. Through its hero Meursault, the novel takes a look at life and asks one simple question: WHY?

Camus offered this synopsis of his story: "Meursault does not play the game, he refuses to lie, he says what he is, he refuses to hide his feelings and so society immediately feels threatened."

About Kafka, Camus said, "Most of those who have spoken of Kafka have indeed defined his works as a desperate cry with no recourse left to man. But this calls for review. There is hope and hope." Since Kafka was too hopeful for Camus, "The Stranger" provides a helpful guide to examine how Kafka is full of hope and joy.

We will present a short introduction to Camus, his book and the ideas of absurdism by Elizabeth Rohwer, readings by Byron LaDue and a panel with participation of author Pat Benke and Heather Quinn.

Brief overview of Camus's life and literary works can be found here.
Luciano Visconti's 1967 movie "The Stranger" with Marcello Mastroianni can be watched here.

As usual refreshments will be provided, pictures will be taken, smiles will abound.

Welcome back to “Coffee with Kafka” 
San Diego Summer Event!

Suggested donations: $10
(Proceeds to Kafka Project are tax deductible).
Home baked refreshments, coffee, tea and wine will be offered.
Looking forward to seeing you all!
To reserve a place, please e-mail: Elizabeth (at) coffeewithkafka.com

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